Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Boycott: Which Orange County Businesses Gave?

Everyone's talking about the boycotts whether for or against.  People forget how wealthy OC gays are.  They forget that many of us don't have children to support.  They forget who spends money in their establishments when everyone else is screaming "Recession!"

Well, who gave to Prop 8?  Some say that a company should not be held responsible for their employees donating.  Perhaps that's true, but if the corporate officers of a company donated, I won't spend my money there.  Who helps to shape a company culture? Do you want to spend your money at local businesses that contributed to take away your rights?  I know I don't.  I've just started compiling my list of businesses to avoid (both OC owned and those with locations in OC).  Please email me with your suggestions.

  • Ganahl Lumber
  • Real Mex Restaurants - i.e. Chevy's, Las Brisas, El Torito, El Torito Grill, Acapulco 
  • Cinemark (AKA Century Theatre, CineArts)
  • Jason's Glass Tint